Overview of HTML

Raj Mahajan
4 min readAug 25, 2021

Hi, in today’s blog we are going to see an overview of HTML language. We will see what is HTML, where we can use HTML and what are the different features, and structure of an HTML page.

What is an HTML :- HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. It’s a markup language that web developer use to structure and describe the content of the webpage. HTML is not Programming language.

HTML consists of Elements that describes different types of content. We have paragraph, heading, links, images, video, and many more elements. Web browser understand HTML and render HTML codes as website.

In HTML, all Elements is made up of 3 parts:

  1. An Opening Tag
  2. An Closing Tag
  3. The Actual Element

Now, we will see the basic structure of an HTML Page.

These is the Basic Structure of HTML Page

Now, we will understand each and every Elements in details shown up in above image.

  1. <!Doctype html> means the Document type of file is HTML. It help browser to understand what kind of language and version of HTML which we are using.
  2. <html> Starting of our HTML.
  3. <head> It shows the content which is not visible on website. It is only visible to developer.
  4. <body> The content which we see in Website is all written in body tag. In simple words we can say that the things on website which are visible to users are written in body tag.
  5. <title> Title tag shows the title of our webpage.

Now, we see different HTML Elements which we can use to structure our webpage.

Text Elements :-

(i) Headings :- Usually, the goal of heading to bring blocks of tags into more logical section. We have Six different types of headings.

H1 is Largest Heading and H6 is Smallest Heading

Each web pages has only One Primary heading.

(ii) Paragraph Tap :- Paragraph are usually use to bigger markup of Test. We can Shows our full description of web page in web pages.

A simple Paragraph Element

(iii) Comment :- Comment is a way of writting Some code which will not be visible to browser.

A Example of HTML Comments

(iv) Bold and Italic Tag :- For Bold Elements in older version of HTML we use <b> tag but it is not good practise to use so we use <Strong> Element to make our text Bold. Same for italic before we use <i> tag now we use <em> tag. Both <Strong> and <em> tag shows that are important tag to browser.

(v) List Tags :- We have two types of List Elements in HTML Ordered List and Unordered List.

Let’s see an Example of Ordered and Unordered list.

Output of List Elements

(vi) Image Tag :- Image tag is self closing tag. We can use image in our webpage by using image tag in our html code. We can write <img src = “ ” alt = “ ”>. Src shows the from where we get the image and alt is helpful for the blind people which cannot the see the webpage and some showing them by reading the web page.

Attributes in HTML :- Attributes are basically a pieces of data which we can use to describe the elements. In image tag Src and alt are two Attributes. Width, Height, Lang is an Attributes.

That’s it for these blog. In next blog we are going to learn about Semantic Tags in HTML.

Thank you hope you find the blog helpful.



Raj Mahajan

My name is Raj Mahajan. I'M a Engineering Student graduating in the year 2021. My Hobbie is to play Football.